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12 responses »

  1. I have a photo of my grandfather’s house in Kedu in about 1920. The address is # 17, but I do not know the street name. I found what I think is a photo of it today on your website. I am not sure how to post both photos. I wanted someone to look at them and tell me whether they are the same.
    Here is the photosite on your website.

    Can someone tell me the address of this house. It is the example of the Empire Colonial style. Thank you

    • To: Peter Loewenberg
      The house that u mean is located on Ahmad Yani Street. We often refer to call it the Poncol area.
      This house is well maintained and ownership belongs to the military

      • Hi, (I am sorry that I do not know your name.) Thank you for your information. My grandfather, Jules Samuels, was a surgeon and gynecologist in Magelang in 1918-1920. He had been in the Dutch Army. I want to send you a photo of their home to see if you believe it might be the same house that is on your website.
        I hope I can attach a photo of that house. Apparently I cannot. Instead I will send you an email at where I will attach a photo of that house.
        Is there a Google Street View of Magelang.
        Thank you very much.
        Peter B. Loewenberg

    • that building is Wisma Diponegoro. it’s a guest house for military officer. it was located at Ahmad Yani street, known as Poncol area. πŸ™‚

  2. that building is Wisma Diponegoro. it’s a guest house for military officer. it was located at Ahmad Yani street, known as Poncol area.

  3. hi! It’s so interesting that we have found some histories about that building, personally I’m interested in colonial building including stories behind it

  4. Hello Aliya, deska, and Yusuf,
    Can you tell me if the house you call Wisma Diponegoro is the same as in the photo of my grandfather’s house taken in 1920. His street number was number 17, but I have no street address.
    Any help you could provide would be appreciated. If it was the same house, I could provide some stories about the people who lived in it and what it was used for.
    Thanking you in advance, Peter B. Loewenberg

  5. Tanya. SMP Tarakanita Magelang, dulunya gedung apa?
    Gedung Pln Magelang termasuk bangunan lama atau baru? Perumahan di belakang gedung pln apakah bersejarah seperti perumahan kuwarasan?
    Terima kasih

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